It calls for the exclusion of all commercial lending institutions from the college loan program 它提倡将所有商贷机构排除在高校贷款计划之外。
During the Ohio stop, Obama promised to expand the federal student loan program as a way to make college more affordable and combat the rising cost of higher education. 在俄亥俄的期间,奥巴马承诺增加联邦学生的贷款项目额度,以减轻学生的负担,对应上涨的大学教育支出。
The government official helped oversee lenders in the federal student loan program. 而政府官员则帮助监管在联邦学生贷款项目中的借款人。
The European Central Bank said on Sunday that it would not expand the emergency loan program that has been propping up Greek banks in recent weeks. 欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)周日表示,它不会扩大最近几周来为希腊银行业提供支持的紧急贷款计划。
Students do not have to pay for their loans while they are in school under the government loan program. 如果是政府贷款项目,那么在校期间学生不需要偿还贷款。
You can learn more about financing for cash out and get additional loan program information. 你可以了解得更多的资金和贷款计划的现金信息。
The agency's major financial assistance is provided through its Guaranty Bank Loan program. 该局的财政援助主要是通过担保银行贷款计划提供的。
A staff member may not, without the prior approval of the Management Committee, borrow from any Company subsidiary other than under the terms of the employee loan program of the employing company. 没有管理委员会甪事前批淮,职员不得向任何公司关系企业借款,除非按雇用自已的公司其员工贷款办法规定条件办理。
Schistosomiasis surveillance in Sichuan in 1998 and Analysis on control effect in past 7 years after implementing World Bank loan of control program 四川省血防贷款项目1998年监测结果及7年干预效果分析
The Federal Reserve recently extended into next year a loan program designed to get investors to buy more securities like these. 近期,美联储将一个旨在吸引投资者购买更多以上类型证券的贷款计划宽延到了下一个年度。
I suggest to you a new US Government guaranteed interest free loan program for the wealthy immigrants. 我给你一个建议,针对富裕移民,美国政府可以作出担保的一个新的无利息贷款方案。
About three-quarters of this country's college lending is carried out through the private program, known as the Federal Family Education Loan Program. 这个国家大约有四分之三的大学生贷款是通过一个私人项目来完成的,这就是有名的联邦家庭教育贷款项目。
SBA Loan Data-A database of loan program approval activity from the Small Business Administration. 斯科特贷款数据资料贷款审批程序,从小型企业管理活动。
The lack of security tools has led to high breach rate of contract, and high rate of nonperforming loan. The credit risk is a major risk and also a major factor to the healthy development of national student loan program. 由于诚信缺失使得违约率和不良贷款率都很高,信用风险成为国家助学贷款的主要风险,也是阻碍国家助学贷款健康发展的主要因素。
Viewpoints on the Concept of Fiscal Investment and Loan Program 关于财政投融资范畴的认识
Bank should develop diversified mortgage loan or collateral loan program. 银行要开展多种形式的抵押或质押贷款;
Mid-term assessment of project on health education in implementing World Bank loan program for schistosomiasis control in Sichuan Province 利用亚洲开发银行贷款项目如何做好中期检查四川省世行贷款血防项目健康教育中期评价
Conclusion: The small sum of loan program is helpful to explore the HIV/ AIDS care model in remote areas with the minority groups. [结论]小额贷款对在边疆少数民族地区开展艾滋关怀项目进行了有益地探索。
This paper elaborates the methods and measures that four giant state-owned commercial banks keep away from the credit risks from adjusting loan structure and perfecting loan program. 从调整贷款结构、完善贷款程序等几个方面阐述了四大国有商业银行防范信贷风险的方法和措施。
Fiscal Investment and Loan Program& Helping the Economy of Northeast Fly 财政投融资&助推东北经济起飞
The Fiscal Investment and Loan Program should be aimed at the realization of policy goal, and the formation of physical capital is not absolutely necessary; 财政投融资应以实现特定政策目标为目的,不一定形成实物资本;
The teaching system reform of the modern physics experiment through the lab constructions of "the base"," the project 211 "and" the world bank loan program "is presented. 介绍了南开大学物理科学学院近代物理实验室通过基地、211工程和世行贷款等实验室建设,对近代物理实验教学体系进行改革的概况。
The Operation of Guaranty Agency in Federal Family Education Loan Program ( FFELP) and Its Meaning to the Government-Subsidized Student Loan Scheme ( GSSLS) in China 美国联邦家庭教育贷款中担保机构的运作及其对我国国家助学贷款的意义
Final Evaluation of Health Education in the World Bank Loan National Schistosomiasis Control Program 全国血吸虫病健康教育终期评价
The loan default is the obstacle to the sustainability of loan program. 可以说,违约是影响学生贷款可持续发展的重要障碍。
A few of TB control programs were implemented to promote the development of TB control, such as World Bank loan program. 自1992年起,实施了世行贷款等多个结核病控制项目,推动了我国结核病防治工作的发展。
Tang dynasty made relatively mature fellowship technology that provides the security for the normal operation of the loan relationship then and also provides demonstration program for later lending agreement. The relatively mature fellowship technology in Tang dynasty is the cultural origin of the loan contract in China nowadays. 唐朝相对成熟的立契技术,为当时借货关系的正常运行提供了保障,同时也为后世借贷契约提供了示范程式,是我国现行借贷之债成立要件的文化渊源。